Top 6 types of social media networks | Discover with us

Social media marketing is a wide large field, and there are many types of social media networks. Most people and startups marketers may have confusion in this, and probably they thought all are the same. But actually they are not the same and there are many

different types of social media networks, they are even different in the purpose and benefits. Social media marketing is very important to any kind of business, especially when you understand the core and the purpose for each network and utilize these purposes to your benefit

Top 6 Types Of Social Media Networks - Discover With Us

In our article we will focus on the most popular 6 different types of social media networks, we have categorized social media networks into 6 general categories based on what people can accomplish by using them or what is the purpose of using such networks

Types of social media networks

Types of social media networks

Social media marketing known by SMM is one of the digital marketing solutions, actually it is a very powerful marketing method for businesses of all sizes to reach their customer, consumers and potential prospects. All of them are already scrolling on social

media platforms and interacting with its content on a daily basis, and as a business owner if you’re not speaking directly to your audience through different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest, you’re missing a lot

In our guide we will give an introduction to types of social media networks, marking, and some startups social media marketing tips to improve your business’s presence on social media platforms

Here’s our list of 6 types of social media networks and what they’re used for

  • Social networks—Connect with people
  • Media sharing networks—Share photos, videos, and other media
  • Discussion forums—Share news and ideas
  • Bookmarking and content curation networks—Discover, save, and share new content
  • Consumer review networks—Find and review businesses
  • Social shopping networks—Shop online

Types of social media networks

Types of social media networks

Knowing about these categories of social media and understanding why people use them can open up new ideas and channels for engaging with your audience more effectively—so let’s get started

You can read the full article down below

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Mohamed Nagar
Mohamed Nagar

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